
PFI Impact

Our stats speak for us.

Over 95% of PFL Camp participants attended tuition-free!

Created 7 local part-time jobs, partners with Dickinson churches, and hires staff members (athletic director, coaches, administrative support, interns) that reside in Dickinson.

Two community service projects completed in spring/summer 2024 with 30+ participants to both Houston and Galveston Co. Food Banks

Engagement of 4 churches and 20+ Dickinson elders to work together in supporting and mentoring Dickinson youth.

$2000 in scholarships awarded for outstanding participation, academic, and behavioral performance. Three more were awarded at the end of summer 2024.

Media students and camp participants produced introductory episodes for two podcasts, “The Dickinson Girls” podcast and the “PFI Sports Podcast”.

Technology students are actively working with PFI’s IT specialist on developing a “sandbox” where participants can work on games, media portfolios, digital art, and other forms of digital media.